+theme description
幸福的距離是多少? 好像就在世界的盡頭, 很難相遇、很難期待, 然而,用心體會生命中的細節, 卻沒發覺的時候,青鳥早已停在你的位子上。
When the distance to happiness seems a million miles away, Reaching for the impossible expectations takes it toll, Just look deep into the details of life, You shall find happiness is right under your nose all along.
每款的圖形均由設計師精心繪製後,再於印刷上做變化與配置, 獨特的手繪感,具生命力的呈現,穿著更顯個人調性。
All designs are genuinely produced and properly adapted for printing. The vigorous tone becomes unique on different individual.